Your secondary objective is to conduct stability operations to assist the local civilian population where possible. Your primary objective is to conduct Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) operations to confirm the source of the disaster. This may be the result of a failed weapons test, or it could be a deliberate attempt to destabilize a former Soviet country that allied itself with the West in the last two decades. NATO suspects the crisis was caused by a bioweapon of Russian origin, despite the northeastern province being a largely a pro-Russian conclave. With the borders closed and supplies dwindling, the remaining population has turned on itself, the CDF, and Russian forces, in their bid for survival. There are reports of armed insurrection and rampant violent crime in wake of the disaster. Russian Federation Armed Forces (VSR) have crossed the border and have been assisting the Chernarussian Defense Force (CDF) with humanitarian and stabilization efforts. Two weeks ago the country of Chernarus experienced a biological disaster that devastated the population in the northeastern province of South Zagoria. An Arma 3 scenario set in post-apocalyptic Chernarus, 2035 CE.